Why hello there,
's. Added stragglers to the 'To Be Done' list below._transactions
newFilterWord = filterWord.replace(/[?]/, '\\?');
meta tag, but that killed the entire page as all references switched to the account level.
In the end, to get it resolved, had to duplicate 4 image URL references in new (duplicated) [_assets] subdirectories (i.e. _assets/_assets).
broken in Admin mode. Created an overriding global CSS file [/_assets/_over.css] so display:none
won't be outclassed by an account-based CSS property (and don't have to use !important
(orange) CSS class to fields with '??' in View mode.<html>
tagsVet Med List
took priority.
's. The list below is a list of these random thoughts notated during development.
to a flex
layout.The Pet Ref App resource tool was initially created to help with gaining an understanding of "what means what" when first starting to work with pets. There is so much information involved in caring for pets, and most times all of this information is strewn across books, binders, and websites, or worse, the information is only shared verbally amongst individuals.
This made learning about pet care challenging. This reference app was an attempt to centralize the information, while making it accessible via any computer or phone (#lovetheweb).
In demonstrating the reference tool, it appeared others could benefit from the information as well. An administrative tool with preset logins was then created to allow others the opportunity to update the information as well. This allowed those with even more knowledge to contribute, thus improving the quality of the information gathered.
In thinking broader, it became clear that one potential path for the app was in providing it to the general public. Thus, petrefapp.com was born. A home page was created, and a demo site provided (which doubles as a 'new account' base). Both operating and advertising strategies were developed, and marketing ensued.
Yes, ads are provided across the site as a way to offset site operating costs. But the information is available to those with ad blockers just as well. Why not block them? Because that's not what this app is about. The core kdcinfo.com policy (the parent of petrefapp.com) isn't about forcing ads on people—making money on sites comes second to providing a quality tool that others can benefit from. Additionally, even with ad blockers, people are encouraged to donate as well, which certainly helps to contribute to the site's longevity.
The Pet Ref App is a customizable reference tool. The resources provided also make for great training resources.
The Pet Ref App was created and is maintained by Keith D Commiskey <keithdc@petrefapp.com>, and is located in Reno, NV, USA.
App operation is fairly straightforward:
The home page 'Account Name' input field: 1) Won't allow a submit if input length <3 or >9. 2) If length is 0 (input field is empty), submission will show 'demo' by default.
This site uses ads, accepts donations, and offers premium/ad-free services. All subscription plans are given an initial 3-day promotional period. The selected subscription 'start time' will begin on the 4th day after the initial subscription purchase as determined between the Admin user and Stripe).
An Account Holder shall have only one View Mode account. The View Mode account info can be shared amongst teams. The View Mode account is intended to simply keep the general public out, and the Account Holder's data private.
In having an account, account holders are free to request changes to their names and e-mail addresses.
Turnaround is typically no more than 48 hours.
Account holders can change and reset their passwords using the links on the login page.
When an Admin Mode account is verified, an account-specific folder is created. This account-specific folder is removed when the 'Admin Mode' account is removed (this is done when a verification is attempted after 5 minutes of registration)). Database table entries are also removed when removing a user. View Mode account removals will remove all references to the View Mode account. Only Admin Mode accounts can clear account-level database tables and remove files and folders (on account removal).
Account holders can request a copy of their data files at any time. A 'zip' file will be provided either via e-mail or URL.
Turnaround is typically no more than 48 hours.
In having an account, account holders are free to request the cancelation of their account.
Account cancelation involves the permanent deletion of account data files, the account holder's entire directory, and all database entries.
- Cancelation is irrevocable.
- Cancelations are permanent.
- Cancelations are irreversible.
- Cancelations -can-not- be undone.
Turnaround is typically no more than 48 hours.
All times and timestamps referenced are in Pacific Time (either PST or PDT).
As an account holder, your data is your data. You are free to provide 'View mode' access to whomever you wish
(noting specifically it is strongly encouraged against sharing an 'Admin mode' password).
However, because of this freedom, petrefapp.com can not be liable for leaked data.
Anyone with access to petrefapp.com has no access to an account holder's password and cannot login as an account holder.
The account owner is accountable for the security of their account's information,
including but not limited to, emails and passwords provided.
To that end, account holders are responsible for their own data.
This disclaimer extends to 'Admin mode' access.
That in mind, petrefapp.com will do what it can to help identify flags in the event of account misuse.
If there is a discrepancy with data, PetRefApp will work with the account holder to isolate the issue
(this is initially done by analyzing backup files and server logs).
Also in mind, an account holder can request their password(s) (either View mode, Admin mode, or both) be changed at any time.
Turnaround is typically no more than 48 hours.
petrefapp.com deploys advertisements as a way to cover site operating costs.
Ad-free accounts are also available.
Partial refunds are provided for any unused time left in an ad-free subscription. Cancelations are deemed effective on the mark of the first midnight after cancelation has been received (e.g. if a cancelation is received at 11:59 PM, it would be effective within one minute).
Accounts can be migrated between levels seamlessly (e.g. from Ad-based to Ad-free).
Turnaround is typically no more than 48 hours.
By creating an account, you agree to receive periodic app announcements (e.g. major app notifications, privacy and TOU updates, etc.)
If you have questions about this site, its collection of information, and its online privacy statement, please contact terms@petrefapp.com.
First and foremost, your data is 'your data'. Any and all information collected by and for petrefapp.com will be used solely by and for petrefapp.com.
The one caveat is with third party services which may require account-specific information. Third party services may or may not be required in order to utilize petrefapp.com services. petrefapp.com is not liable for any issues stemming from third party services (e.g. advertising systems).
As of this writing, petrefapp.com uses the following third party services:
* With regards to Google services, please read
"How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps."
Users are also encouraged to visit Google Analytics' currently available opt-outs for the web.
petrefapp.com uses the Google Analytics Platform.
Google Analytics is a service provided by the third-party company Google, Inc.
petrefapp.com may use the full Google Analytics package and may gather demographic data, IP address information,
referrer information, click-through rates, traffic sessions, page views, metric information,
and Google Analytics Advertiser Features in an effort to gain better insights for Web App effectiveness and performance.
Google Analytics collects data about your web traffic via cookies or anonymous identifiers, in addition to other mechanisms.
petrefapp.com may also use Google's remarketing feature in AdWords, an advertising platform,
to reach visitors who have been to the Web App before through marketing initiatives.
petrefapp.com uses this functionality as is necessary in its marketing operations.
This means that Google may use Google cookies to display our ads to you across other websites or platforms
based on your interactions or past visits to petrefapp.com's Web App.
In creating an account on petrefapp.com, the 'account holder' will be asked to provide some initial information. The initial information collected includes: 'Admin first name,' 'Admin mode email,' 'View mode first name,' and 'View mode email.'
Each account is provided an auto-generated site-wide ID. In the creation of each account, the following information is auto-generated: 'id', 'created at', and 'updated at'.
System-level account-specific information includes: 'activated', 'access level', 'login attempts', and 'petref opts: [accounts, modes]'.
The following items systemically collect site visitor data, but is currently only used to debug, troubleshoot, and identify issues:
Once an account is created, the following information is managed:
All communication correspondence is stored within the petrefapp.com e-mail system.
When you receive e-mails from petrefapp.com, they will include an option to add your e-mail to the PetRefApp DND list. To reverse the DND process, you'll need to Contact Support, and provide the e-mail you'd like to be reset to a verification state.
If you have questions about this site, its collection of information, and its online terms or disclaimer statements, please contact privacy@petrefapp.com.
'Pet Ref App' Owner/Creator: Keith D Commiskey -- https://keithdc.com
Nothing on PetRefApp.com constitutes medical advice, medical suggestions, or medical opinions of any kind. Any information provided within the site is purely informational and should always be double- and triple-checked for validity. Any information provided is done as a general basis to get accounts started. Account owners are ultimately responsible for their own content.
Being the site is hosted using a third party hosting service, it is, by the very nature of all things electronic and internet-related, susceptible to the whims of electricity, the Internet, and everything within and without. In other words, the site could possibly experience temporary outages for nonspecific durations. That said, and while the web hosting service used guarantees 100% uptime (which most likely uses an algorithm that allows for rounding), my personal observations—from developing on the site full time—would be more along the lines of 98% uptime.
As an account holder, your data is your data. You are free to provide 'View mode' access to whomever you wish
(noting specifically it is strongly encouraged against sharing an 'Admin mode' password).
However, because of this freedom, petrefapp.com can not be liable for leaked data.
Anyone with access to petrefapp.com has no access to an account holder's password and cannot login as an account holder.
The account owner is accountable for the security of their account's information,
including but not limited to, emails and passwords provided.
To that end, account holders are responsible for their own data.
This disclaimer extends to 'Admin mode' access.
That in mind, petrefapp.com will do what it can to help identify flags in the event of account misuse.
If there is a discrepancy with data, PetRefApp will work with the account holder to isolate the issue
(this is initially done by analyzing backup files and server logs).
Also in mind, an account holder can request their password(s) (either View mode, Admin mode, or both) be changed at any time.
Turnaround is typically no more than 48 hours.
An account holder's data is not protected in any legal manner which would prevent disclosure to law enforcement based upon a proper request.
If you have questions about this site, its collection of information, and its online terms or disclaimer statements, please contact disclaimers@petrefapp.com.
Policy Effective: 2019-07 – 2025-02